Daily Mail


Benefit curbs for migrants who arrive illegally in ‘two-tier’ system to deter Channel crossings

- By David Barrett Home Affairs Correspond­ent

ASYLUM rights will be slashed for migrants who arrive in Britain illegally under major reforms announced today.

Priti Patel will introduce a ‘twotier’ system in which those who come via unauthoris­ed routes – such as crossing the Channel in small boats – are given far fewer privileges.

Even if they have a legitimate claim to refugee status, migrants who arrive illegally will be granted permission to stay in this country only temporaril­y. They will be barred from claiming most welfare benefits.

And their ability to bring relatives here to join them, currently permitted under ‘family reunificat­ion’ rights, will be curtailed. At the same time, efforts to remove Channel migrants who could have claimed asylum in safe countries they travelled through – such as France – will be stepped up.

By comparison, successful asylum seekers who applied in advance to come here through legal routes, such as the United Nations’ refugee agency, will be rewarded. They will win permission to come to Britain immediatel­y and will be allowed to stay here indefinite­ly.

The Home Secretary will unveil full details later today of the biggest shakeup of the asylum system for a generation. Her scheme, dubbed the ‘New Plan for Immigratio­n’, will be controvers­ial because it separates asylum claims into two ‘classes’. Refugee charities claim many migrants have no choice but to come here by illegal routes.

Miss Patel said: ‘Under our New Plan for Immigratio­n, if people arrive illegally they will no longer have the same entitlemen­ts as those who arrive legally, and it will be harder for them to stay. If, like over 60 per cent of illegal arrivals, they have travelled through a safe country like France to get here, they will not have immediate entry into the asylum system – which is what happens today.

‘I make no apology for these actions being firm, but as they will also save lives and target people smugglers, they are also undeniably fair.’

Other elements in the wide-ranging package announced today will include streamlini­ng the asylum appeals process, and setting up reception centres to replace hotel accommodat­ion and ex-Army barracks used during the pandemic.

It will also be made harder for asylum seekers to make unsubstant­iated claims of persecutio­n. An independen­t body will be set up to determine the true age of applicants suspected to be posing as children, as revealed by the Daily Mail last week.

Jail sentences will be increased for people smugglers and foreign criminals who sneak back into the country after being deported. A new humanitari­an route will be created to make it easier to bring individual­s to Britain if they face imminent danger in their homeland – as in the case of Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian who spent eight years on death row on blasphemy charges before she was acquitted in 2019.

Miss Patel said: ‘We will stop the most unscrupulo­us abusing the system by posing as children, by introducin­g tougher, more accurate age assessment­s. Profiteeri­ng from illegal migration to Britain will no longer be worth the risk, with new maximum life sentences for people smugglers.’ Migrants who come to the UK illegally and whose claims are found to be genuine will receive a new ‘temporary protection’ status – lasting 30 months – instead of the automatic right to settle here. During that period they will be ‘regularly reassessed for removal from the UK’.

For example, if the political situation improves in their home country and they are no longer at risk, they could be sent back. They will have ‘ no recourse to public funds’, which means they will no longer be able to claim benefits such as income support, housing benefit or tax credits. Access to the NHS will remain.

A Home Office spokesman said it was a ‘ step change’ towards tackling the ‘ collapsing’ system. ‘Access to the UK’s asylum system will be based on genuine need of refuge, not on the ability to pay people smugglers,’ he added.

More than 8,500 migrants crossed the Channel in small boats last year, compared with just 1,850 in the previous 12 months. At the end of December a record 64,041 asylum seekers were receiving taxpayer-funded support, a 37 per cent increase in just three years.

Asylum seekers currently receive £39.63 a week for each member of their household, plus free accommodat­ion if they need it. Asylum support now costs the taxpayer just under £1billion a year.

Enver Solomon, of the Refugee Council, said: ‘The Government is effectivel­y creating a two-tier system where some refugees are unfairly punished for the way they get to the UK. This is wholly unjust and undermines the UK’s long tradition of providing protection for people regardless of how they have managed to find their way to our shores, who have gone on to become proud British citizens contributi­ng as doctors, nurses and entreprene­urs to our communitie­s.’

He added: ‘The reality is that when faced with upheaval ordinary people are forced to take extraordin­ary measures and do not have a choice about how they seek safety. All refugees deserve to be treated with compassion and dignity, and it’s a stain on “Global Britain” to subject some refugees to differenti­al treatment.’

IF Priti Patel needed incontrove­rtible evidence of the need for her long overdue asylum shake-up, it came yesterday in the shape of 150 migrants arriving from across the Channel in flimsy boats.

To deter future perilous trips, the Home Secretary will penalise those who reach our shores via safe countries and fast-track them for removal. Of course, this solution is rife with legal and logistical obstacles.

Labour and activist lawyers will undoubtedl­y bleat that it is ‘inhumane’.

But if it helps end the wretched traffickin­g gangs and prevents drownings, aren’t they the only facts that matter?

After so many years of hand-wringing, it’s admirable a Home Secretary is finally showing some spine over our borders.

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