Daily Mail



MY ABILITY to entertain children has been challenged over the past year. I’ve felt a bit like a stand-up comedian — but rather than dismissing interrupti­ons with withering put-downs, I’ve had to respond to my heckler with kisses and glasses of milk! As Mercury links with fiery Mars and subtle Pluto, we need to be wary of being misinterpr­eted. Yet, when honesty lies at the heart of any communicat­ion, humour can bring healing.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IS THERE a reason why you have to settle for second best while others think they’re entitled to deserve the finest? Of course not! So, if you find yourself having to deal with a situation in which such an unacceptab­le state of affairs presides, you need to ask yourself how you’ve got into this and what you can do to get out of it. Maybe you feel as if you don’t have the luxury of choice. So, what’s restrainin­g you? Is the source of that restraint so precious that it’s worth making a sacrifice for? There’s a ray of hope shining through the challenges. Be encouraged by the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 IMAGINE going for a manicure only to wave your hands about the whole time you’re there. The abilities of the manicurist would be irrelevant. There’s simply no way they’d be able to do their job well. Now, let’s take that metaphor and apply it to your habit of asking the cosmos for assistance, only to dismiss it out of hand. Isn’t that kind of to-ing and fro-ing similarly unhelpful? Today, resist the urge to leap, prematurel­y, into action. Instead, take the time to not only listen to advice, but to heed it. Need some support? What’s the best way to move ahead and plan for the future? Call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI May 22 - June 22 WHAT did

you sign up for when you arrived on planet Earth? Have you got a copy of the contract? Nor me! It’s odd when, in our world, it seems that terms and conditions apply to everything, and we’re meant to conscienti­ously read them before we agree to anything. Did we just gloss over the small print when we chose to come here? Or maybe there weren’t any qualifying appendices. Maybe we skipped the clause that said: ‘I promise to enjoy myself!’ Honour that aspect of the contract today. The cosmos has a powerful message for you. For a prediction that will inspire you, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER THERE’S June 23 - July 23

nothing wrong with making mistakes — it happens to the best of us! The real mistake would be to let a mistake undermine our faith in our abilities. Sure, you might have made a bad decision, but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong about everything. If anything, the fact that you’re aware of a tendency to jump first and think later is proof that you’re developing a greater amount of caution than you once possessed. Everything’s pointing towards you doing not only a good job but a great one today. There’s a valuable message for you in your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5604. LEO July 24 - Aug 23 PESSIMISTI­C people like to consider themselves as being realistic. When they decide that something can’t happen they prefer to feel that they’re being pragmatic rather than mean-spirited. We construct a barrier when we write things off. If good fortune happens to be walking along our street looking for a place to work some magic, it will only see the barrier, not the way in which it can offer assistance. So it just moves on by. If you want help today, ensure you’re open to receiving it. There’s a ray of hope shining through the challenges. Be encouraged by the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 THERE’S no

point banging your head against a brick wall. Yet neither should you take one look at what appears to be a large obstacle and assume there’s no way round or over it. Every hurdle and obstacle that we find in our path deserves a quick push to make sure that it’s not constructe­d from material which has been made to look more imposing than it actually is. Although it’s unwise to waste time trying to achieve the impossible, it’s definitely worth looking to see how impossible the impossible really is. Need some support? What’s the best way to move ahead and plan for the future? Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 SOME people have jobs that upset or inconvenie­nce others. Very few of them enjoy their roles . . . even if they’re well paid. But most are able to justify their roles, seeing themselves as public servants who work for the common good. The fact that the rest of us struggle to view them in the same way is neither here nor there. And some of them manage to show sympathy and discretion as well as diligence and discipline. The cosmos encourages you to give yourself the same benefits today. The cosmos has a powerful message for you. For a prediction that will inspire you, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 THEY tell us that ‘the best things in life are free’. And it’s true, some of them are. The air we breathe is a good example; no one (at least as far as I’m aware) has managed to find a way to charge people for it. Phew! Daylight doesn’t cost us anything either. Nor does the glittering night sky, deep with twinkling stars, or some of the personal qualities that enrich our lives, like love and kindness. As your ruling planet, Pluto, is empowered today, trust that what you need will come your way, and it will. Worried? There’s a valuable message for you in your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 SOME of the best psychoanal­ysts begin work with a new client by delving into their childhood. But is that far enough? Shouldn’t they be looking even further back? To the childhoods of parents, grandparen­ts and even great-grandparen­ts? After all, isn’t that where familial norms, reinforced over generation­s, were first establishe­d? How much of our personalit­y do we owe to long-forgotten individual­s? If you look back, past the obvious, you’ll receive valuable insight today. There’s a ray of hope shining through the challenges. Be encouraged by the cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 BEFORE you can start working on your latest idea you need to make your mind up. That’s how it works isn’t it? What could possibly get in the way of this simple process? Well, it’s easy to dismiss the problems and clashes that seem to inevitably pop up as soon as we embark on a new project. Yet, actually, we know, with confidence, that they will appear. Although today brings proof of that, your cosmic outlook suggests that if you make a decision, and stick with it, you can make significan­t progress. Need some support? What’s the best way to move ahead and plan for the future? Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS NONE of us Jan 21 - Feb 19

is perfect. We can’t please everyone 100 per cent of the time. Someone’s always going to be disappoint­ed. We just need to find ways to play fairly, and treat everyone as kindly as we possibly can. Making judgment calls is a daily challenge. Since there’s no such thing as the perfect solution, we need to be prepared to make decisions when they arise. Yet, it would be easy to make the mistake of thinking that everything needs to be difficult. There’s joy to be found in the simplest of places today. The cosmos has a powerful message for you. For a prediction that will inspire you, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES THE textbooks Feb 20 - Mar 20

describe members of your sign as having powerful imaginatio­ns and being highly intuitive. Yet they often fail to recognise the fact that being blessed with both of these qualities is challengin­g. When your mind is creative, it’s all too easy to persuade yourself that your instinct is telling you something when it’s not. Or, when it is, you imagine that it isn’t! Is it possible to find equilibriu­m between both these facets today? There’s every chance that you can. If you have a hunch, follow it. Worried? There’s a valuable message for you in your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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