Daily Mail

Harry’s got the perfect CV for a Mickey Mouse executive!



Now that the shutters have slammed down on the Bank of Dad and with the MumCash reserves down to the last £20 million or so, Prince Harry has had to take drastic action. At the tender age of 36, he has put childish things behind him and gone out to get himself a job. Two jobs in fact. Good for him!

Firstly, the Prince has accepted the role of Chief Impact officer at a Silicon Valley startup called BetterUp, a ‘unicorn employee-coaching and mental health’ firm that hires privileged, lucky people to help other privileged, lucky people lead lives filled with lovely privilege and even more luck.

Harry has also become a ‘commission­er’ with a trendy think-tank called the Aspen Institute. He will be taking part in their new Commission on Informatio­n Disorder, a study examining the state of American misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion.

Hush, be calm, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that the Prince of Peeve might as well start with the misinfo and disinfo that he and his wife ladled out like hot soup during their oprah interview earlier this month. Starting with the wedding that never was and all that business about Archie being denied his birthright, when nothing of the sort happened.

Yet in his new role, Harry complains about the ‘avalanche of misinforma­tion’ that rumbles around the Sussexes — but to be frank, aren’t they a couple of reckless boulders leading the charge on that slippery slope?

Perhaps his first task as Fake News Commission­er will be an investigat­ion into himself, in which he will find himself wanting, and send himself a stern memo. The new positions are just what you might expect from a self-styled

global philanthro­pist who wants to change the world by telling everyone else what to do; positions that are elite, vague, grandiose and — one suspects — largely ornamental.

Certainly nothing that involves scholarshi­p, hard toil or personal sacrifice. And everything that involves the exploitati­on of the royal status and hinterland from which the Prince was so desperate to escape.

Commission­er? Impact Officer? The fancy titles are typical of that cloying California­n wellness environmen­t where someone who works in a shop is called a ‘retail customer experience ambassador’ and a van driver is a ‘vehicle operations specialist’.

HOw I love it! America truly is the land of opportunit­y, a place where they can send a man to the moon and a dimbulb like Harry to join a brains trust and plug himself into a think-tank. It’s charming that they take him so seriously, don’t you think? Especially as he has less than extensive corporate experience and just the two dodgy A-levels to his name.

The Duke of Two Jobs is to be applauded for launching himself so successful­ly onto the workplace, but why stop there? Here are some more positions that would be perfect for our darling Prince and his burgeoning employment portfolio . . .


THE Ball Breaker Charity is looking for a Chief Empathy Officer who can liaise with, comfort and mentor men who are victims of domineerin­g wives. Husbands who are fed up with doing yoga and eating tofurky for lunch will be tutored by the empathy officer in a holistic, personalis­ed coaching experience guaranteed to cling to the self and produce positive results.

Here is the official mantra, repeat after me: Even when she insists on keto and lentil, I’ll be looking after my health — and I mean mental.


THE successful candidate will be expected to understand the turbulent history of avocados, once known as alligator pears. In 2017, avocados were ultra-fashionabl­e, the healthy and guilt-free snack choice for Instagramm­ers everywhere. Two years later the bloom was off the fruit, as news reports linked them to water shortages, illegal deforestat­ion and gang wars in third-world countries.

The linking of two royal duchesses to the fruit at these different points in its turbulent history had nothing to do with racism and everything to do with timing. The Avocado Advocate needs to be able to connect the dots between these two events and come to a logical conclusion instead of the usual unholy guacamole of blamespray­ing conjecture. Now I’ve got that off my chest, let’s move on to . . .


A WRITER? why not? with a wife who has authored several self-help fruit, Harry is ideally placed to corner the mindfulnes­s market with his tales of triumph over torment and self over selflessne­ss. Many will be inspired by his bid to flee from the tyranny of inherited wealth to live his best and authentic life in a mansion with 16 bathrooms.

His first self-help book? My money is on How To Cope with Becoming

Economical­ly Independen­t In Your 30s. Chapter headings include: My Family Literally Cut Me Off Financiall­y; what Is a Mortgage?; Fiscal Insecurity — who Pays For My Security, and Hiya Dad, The Bill’s In The Post.


ENVIRONMEN­TALLY conscious applicants will be expected to harness and blow a lot of hot air across America, so who better than Harry?

He must troublesho­ot and test existing structures while maintainin­g the exterior and physical integrity of all towers and turrets — surely a cinch for any royal Prince. working knowledge of hydraulics and waterworks is a bonus, as is turning on the tears when it suits. Must be prepared to relocate to areas of consistent wind.


AFTER his Fresh Prince Of Bel Air rap with James Corden, could Harry strike out as internatio­nal royal rapper, the Pam Ayres Of Bel Air?

why not? Music experts suggest he could even sing rap versions of traditiona­l English songs as a special tribute to the country he left behind, along with his dear old gran.

Songs could include Boiled (PlantBased) Beef And Carrots; My Old Man’s A Dustman And He’s Put Me In The Bin; Knees Up Mother Diversity; God Save The Queen (’Cos She’s My Cash Machine); and The Blue Blood Blues.

All royalties will go to charity, except the charities that go to royalty.


THE gift of family can become a burden — but with the help of an experience­d go-between, even the most fractured family relationsh­ips can heal. Harry would be an excellent mediator. He already has a working knowledge of ‘ burned bridge syndrome’, in which family members behave so badly that there is no going back. Ever.

He would work in a resolution process following breakdown with a person- orientated perspectiv­e and hopefully negotiate together with all parties (except Thomas Markle) to reach mutually acceptable arrangemen­ts, manage discord and dissipate the powerful infantile feelings that can lead to conflict.

But Kate is never going to speak to Meghan again, so why bother?


DISNEY need a Mickey Mouse executive, a multi-hyphenate creator to operate in the Shine-A-Light-Area where they will focus on the future, imagine they are a raindrop at crucial moments and be responsibl­e for all rodentia matters.

Fondness for cheese a must. Candidates will need to have a university degree plus at least four years of business experience. Failing this they could simply ‘be Prince Harry’.

‘I’ve seen him operate,’ said one Disney executive who met the Prince at a red carpet event. ‘He’s totally Mickey Mouse.’


PERHAPS Prince Harry should have at least one job in his portfolio that realistica­lly reflects his life qualificat­ions. working in a coffee shop would certainly suit his oft-stated wish that he ‘wants to serve’.

Here, your sphere of influence can only grow as you move on from Tall to Grande and venti.

The Prince will learn new skills and understand that with great power comes great responsibi­lity — so make that milk and two sugars please.

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