Daily Mail

PM could face a 2nd probe over decor bill

- By Claire Ellicott Political Correspond­ent

THE Cabinet Secretary has been urged to investigat­e whether Boris Johnson broke the ministeria­l code to pay for his lavish Downing Street flat refurbishm­ent.

Labour asked Simon Case to look into the ‘ eye- watering’ amounts said to have been spent on the revamp, which included gold wall coverings.

It follows a series of disclosure­s by the Daily Mail about the financing of decor and furnishing­s for the apartment the Prime Minister, 56, shares with fiancee Carrie Symonds, 33.

Last week, the Mail revealed election watchdogs are probing a secret £60,000 payment for the makeover

‘Murky payments’

to determine whether it broke the rules. Labour MP Sarah Owen wrote to Mr Case yesterday calling for ‘transparen­cy and clear explanatio­ns’ over the ‘murky’ payments.

Urging an investigat­ion, she wrote: ‘It is vital the facts behind the costs of this refurbishm­ent are establishe­d and published in full. This isn’t just about whether the taxes of hard-working people have contribute­d to spun gold wallpaper.

‘The lack of openness means that there are so many questions relating to matters of transparen­cy, probity, judgment and whether the Ministeria­l Code has been broken.’

She emphasised that the ministeria­l code requires ministers to avoid the danger of any actual or perceived conflict of interest between their position and their private financial interests. It comes after the Conservati­ve Party paid a £60,000 bill for the refurbishm­ent of Mr Johnson’s flat. Tory donor Lord Brownlow secretly reimbursed the party six months ago.

The code also states that ministers should be as open as possible with Parliament and the public and should provide informatio­n.

The MP asked how much had been spent, what it had been spent on, and how the suppliers for the refurbishm­ent were chosen. Downing Street has not denied the reports and has stated that details of the refurbishm­ent will be provided in a Cabinet Office report. It has not said when this will be published. Mr Johnson denies any impropriet­y.

■ The Prime Minister will make his debut appearance in the new White House-style briefing room at a lockdown press conference on Monday. Officials confirmed the £2.6million refurbishm­ent at No 9 Downing Street – which critics have branded a ‘vanity project’ – is finished.

 ??  ?? ‘This? It’s my donor card. When I die all my soft furnishing­s will go to Downing Street’
‘This? It’s my donor card. When I die all my soft furnishing­s will go to Downing Street’

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