Daily Mail

Let tragic Star be the last innocent failed


THE first reaction is one of heartbreak. Then incomprehe­nsion. Then boiling rage.

Rage that yet another defenceles­s toddler has been sadistical­ly tortured and murdered in our supposedly civilised country.

Rage that this hideous crime was allowed to happen despite a string of red flags.

and rage that those who failed 16-monthold Star Hobson will probably never be held to account. By the time she lost the fight for life, Star had catastroph­ic injuries to almost every part of her tiny body.

In a regime of terror lasting months, she was punched and kicked to death by her mother Frankie Smith’s vile, psychopath­ic girlfriend, Savannah Brockhill.

Five times social services were alerted by concerned relatives. Five times they failed in their duty of care.

Inevitably, political correctnes­s played its part. When Star’s great-grandparen­ts warned ‘another Baby P’ was on the cards, social workers accused them of malice because Smith was in a same-sex relationsh­ip and her partner had a traveller background. It was an unforgivab­le slur, which ultimately cost Star her life.

This depressing­ly familiar story comes less than two weeks after the carbon copy case of six-year-old arthur Labinjo-Hughes, who was brutally murdered by his stepmother.

and yesterday an inquest heard that another toddler, Ella-Rose clover, was murdered after doctors failed to identify a sustained campaign of prior abuse.

Will anyone ever be held properly accountabl­e for these outrages? If not, and social workers, medics and police are constantly allowed to duck the blame, lessons will never be learned.

and children will go on dying. alone, forlorn and forsaken.

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