Daily Mail

PC avoids jail after beating wife’s lover as pair had sex in car park at Screwf ix

- By Richard Marsden

AN ‘obsessed’ ex-policeman has narrowly avoided jail for stalking his wife, after tracking her to a screwfix car park where he filmed her having sex with a married colleague.

Former PC Gavin Harper, 45, was ‘struck to the core’ when he feared then-wife stephanie Glynn, also a police officer, was being unfaithful and that his marriage of just two years was at an end, a court heard.

The father-of-two followed Ms Glynn, 40, using a tracking device he had placed on her car, before spotting her with lover Andrew McLullich, 42, an acting inspector, in the back of his 4x4. He flung

‘I’ve got you on film with my wife’

open the rear door of Mr McLullich’s car and used his phone to film the half-naked couple having sex, before shouting: ‘I’ve got you on film shagging my wife.’

Violence then flared with Harper hitting Mr McLullich and calling him a ‘cheating b*****d’.

Harper, who has since been dismissed from Merseyside Police, was convicted of stalking with intent to cause serious alarm or distress, following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court. Jurors failed to agree a verdict on a charge of wounding, with a formal not guilty verdict recorded earlier this month.

ex-soldier Harper was yesterday sentenced to a two-year suspended jail term and 200 hours’ community service, as well as being given a four-month curfew and a restrainin­g order not to contact Ms Glynn and Mr McLullich – who are still together – for seven years.

Judge david Potter said Harper, of Liscard, Wirral, became highly emotional when he feared that his marriage was at an end, adding: ‘You became obsessed to the point of criminalit­y.’

The couple began dating in 2012 and married in 2018, but the court heard that by late 2020 the relationsh­ip had deteriorat­ed to the extent Ms Glynn was regularly texting Mr McLullich, by then an acting inspector. on december 14, 2020, Harper grabbed his wife’s personal and work phones to discover the extent of their communicat­ion and then drove off, which caused Ms Glynn to ‘stumble and fall heavily’. The next day, Ms Glynn and Mr McLullich found tracking devices in her car, including one with ‘the capability to record conversati­ons’.

Although Ms Glynn moved out of the marital home, she returned that month and Harper continued to monitor her, even ‘lurking around’ when she was walking their dog. Judge Potter said he was satisfied that Harper also put a second tracking device under Ms Glynn’s car.

It was this device, the court heard, which led Harper to the screwfix car park in birkenhead, Wirral, late on February 16, 2021.

Judge Potter said he decided to spare Harper jail after hearing of the ‘significan­t impact’ it would have on others’ including a son at university and his elderly parents, to whom he provides care.

 ?? ?? Bride and groom: Gavin Harper and Stephanie Glynn at their wedding
Bride and groom: Gavin Harper and Stephanie Glynn at their wedding

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