Daily Mail

The Post Office’s ‘forgetful’ managers


WATCHING the Post Office inquiry, one is left wondering how those in charge gained such elevated, well-paid positions if they now have so little recollecti­on of what was said and done at the time of the Horizon fiasco.

Of course, they may be choosing to give the impression they were all incompeten­t to cover up the suggestion that they were actually complicit in going after innocent postmaster­s in order to cover up their own failure to deal with Horizon.

Their next round of interviews should be with the constabula­ry.

garry Carr, yelland, devon.

PERHAPS the forgetful senior Post Office managers should all be locked in a room together until they remember what they did, when and why.

The public is tired of hearing each of them in turn tell the inquiry they are sorry for the devastatio­n caused but without admitting their part in causing it.

We are also tired of hearing that they accept wrong was done but somehow don’t recall their own part in doing it.

The time for obfuscatio­n is over. They should have the decency to own up and the dignity to accept the consequenc­es.


Bottesford, notts.

FUNNY how all the top executives at the Post Office inquiry give fulsome apologies and keep their millions, while the victims of the giant injustice over which they presided receive the apologies but are still kept waiting for their just compensati­on.

P. JEFFERY, newcastle upon tyne.

NOT only has the Post Office been tardy in reimbursin­g the postmaster­s but now, as the Mail’s Jeff Prestridge has highlighte­d, it is unfairly charging the recipients of letters bearing allegedly fake barcoded stamps £5 a time to receive their items of mail. dee Mutter, St leonards-on-Sea, e. Sussex.

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