Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

How to reduce the time you spend sitting down


Research has suggested that remaining seated for too long is bad for your health, regardless of how much exercise you do. So here are some tips that can help you reduce your sitting time:

Stand on the train or bus

Take the stairs and walk up escalators

Set a reminder to get up and walk about every 30 minutes

Alternate working while seated with standing

Place a laptop on a box or similar to work standing

Stand or walk around while on the phone

Take a walk break every time you go for a coffee or tea break

Walk to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing or calling

Swap some TV time for more active tasks or hobbies

The over-65s are known to spend 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary population group. They could:

Stand up and move during TV advert breaks

Stand or walk while on the phone Use the stairs as much as possible

■Take up active hobbies such as gardening and DIY

Join in community-based activities, such as dance classes and walking groups

Take up active play with the grandchild­ren

Do those types of housework which help keep you active

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