Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of a director. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.


BOX1: Which French term literally means fat Tuesday?

Bonne Mercredi (L) Vendredi Saint (O) Mardi Gras (D)

BOX2: Who cowrote and directed the 1974 movie Young Frankenste­in?

Boris Karloff (P) Mel Brooks (E) Gene Wilder (R)

BOX3: In which century was Benjamin Franklin born?

17th (I) 18th (O) 19th (N)

BOX4: What war do the girls in Little Women grow up during?

American Civil War (N) War of Independen­ce (R) American Indian Wars (S)

BOX5: How many squares are there on a checkerboa­rd?

60 (W) 62 (E) 64 (L)

BOX6: Which American sitcom was based on the British show

Til Death Do Us Part?

All in the Family (N) Good Times (R) The Jeffersons (A)

BOX7: What is April’s birthstone?

Garnet (O) Diamond (B) Ruby (N)

BOX8: Actor Kevin Bacon (pictured) is married to which actress?

Goldie Hawn (F)

Mary Steenburge­n (H) Kyra Sedgwick (A)

BOX9: Which city is known as the Windy City?

Chicago (Y) Toronto (K) Minneapoli­s (C)

BOX10: What country was the birthplace of two of the Three Tenors?

Spain (Y) Italy (T) Germany (D)

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