Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Kick It Out didn’t even get a look-in

- BY DARREN LEWIS @Mirrordarr­en

NOBODY is under any illusions that we’ve solved racism in this country.

The ITV switch from black and white to colour in last night’s broadcast did at least remind everyone that the English game is inching into the 21st century.

Much of that progress is down to the work of Kick It Out – an organisati­on for too long understaff­ed and underfunde­d. But a body always willing to speak out against the racism that has shamed the game, stalled careers and is still seeing less than a handful of black managers in English football. Over the last 25 years, men and women, such as Leon Mann, Piara Powar, Paul Elliott, Lord

Herman Ouseley, Troy Townsend, Keeley Baptista and Roisin Wood, have worked to maintain a voice for Kick It Out.

As a body, they have achieved meaningful change. Their staff tour the country, educating young players and training staff. They work at grass roots as well as in the profession­al game and their presence lets players report – in confidence – abuse from fans, staff or their colleagues.

What a shame, then, that there was no mention of this at half-time.

Where were the Kick It Out ad hoardings? Where was the half-time interview with someone from the organisati­on being celebrated explaining what they do to the fans at the King Power Stadium?

The players wore the logo on their shirts, but, apart from that, it was hard to escape a sense of anti-climax.

Kick It Out won’t get too wound up about it. They will continue with the work they have always done over the last 25 years without any fanfare.

But they deserved more last night.

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