Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Mental torment of the ‘sandwich carer generation’

1.3m look after kids plus elderly

- BY MARTIN BAGOT Health and Science Correspond­ent

A GENERATION of carers is suffering a mental toll from looking after their own children plus elderly relatives, a study shows.

Some 1.3 million people in the UK are “sandwich carers” with the dual responsibi­lity, the data suggests.

And more than one in four of them are battling depression or anxiety.

People becoming parents later and the elderly living longer is increasing the burden, particular­ly on women.

It comes after the Mirror launched the Fair Care for All campaign, demanding more support for the army of unpaid workers.

Hugh Stickland of the Office for National Statistics, behind the figures, said: “With an increasing ageing population and people deciding to have children at an older age, more people across the UK may soon find that they are part of a new sandwich generation.

“This affects more women with women more likely to feel restricted in how much they can work alongside looking after older, sick or disabled relatives, and children.”

Mr Stickland added people offering care for more than five hours a week were more likely to suffer mentally.

He went on: “Compared with the general population, those who spend more time caring show lower levels of health and life satisfacti­on, and are more likely to experience symptoms of depression or anxiety.”

Data from the UK Household

Longitudin­al Study, of 34,000 people from 2016 to 2017, found the figure for ill mental health was 33% among those giving 20 hours or more care a week.

That compared with 23% of those doing less than five hours, and 22% of the general population.

The study also showed people providing 10 to 19 hours’ adult care a week were the least satisfied with life

and health. This was possibly due to 69% juggling care and paid work.

Alistair Mcqueen, of Aviva insurers, said: “As life expectancy increases and more women have children later in life, we can expect the pressures on the sandwich generation to grow.”

SO many people who look after others are enduring serious mental and financial hardship from the strain.

These 1.3million “sandwich carers” responsibl­e for children as well as elderly relatives are trapped in a social vice.

Unless we come up with new ways of helping them cope, in future it will not be one in four suffering from anxiety or depression but even greater numbers.

Nobody is pretending that finding solutions will be easy, and a wider public debate is much needed to produce practical solutions.

That is why the Daily Mirror has launched its inspiring Fair Care For All campaign.

Answers might include advice, helplines, emotional support, home visits from trained cares, respite care and, of course, financial assistance to families on low incomes.

Nothing should be ruled out until we have together explored all available avenues, but one thing is certain.

Who cares for the carers is a question we must not dodge any longer.

 ?? Picture posed by models ?? PRESSURE Caring for kids and ill parents.
Picture posed by models PRESSURE Caring for kids and ill parents.
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