Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Being throne out


Rees-mogg and John Redwood, who were venting their spleen at the BBC on social media.

Lord Snooty and his pal are such lovers of this country that when they sensed the damage their hardline Brexit stance might do to the economy their Union Jack underpants turned brown.

Rees-mogg moved part of his investment firm Somerset Capital Management to Ireland and Redwood advised Financial Times readers to “look further afield” than the UK for investment.

At the same time, Vote Leave chairman Nigel Lawson applied for French residency so his idyllic life in his Gascony villa remained unaffected.

Valiant patriots all. What’s wrong with believing that you show love for your country when you genuinely want to rid it of its failings and improve it for the benefit of all? As opposed to publicly selfflagel­lating with a blue passport while loudly hailing the glories of a long-lost empire?

This fabricated Proms sideshow is the latest example of why phoney patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

This latest trick of blaming institutio­ns rather than politician­s for the country’s failures could have an unexpected bonus.

The Government scrapped

Public Health England over the mishandlin­g of Covid and sacked the top education civil servant over the A-levels cock-up.

Maybe, when unemployme­nt shoots over three million and Tory MPS demand Boris Johnson takes a stand against idle wasters living off the fat of the land, Dominic Cummings will abolish the monarchy.

 ??  ?? I’ll never understand what triggers certain people to moan to officialdo­m. For example, how come 163 people complained to the Advertisin­g Standards Agency about KFC’S “finger-lickin’ good” slogan, claiming it would spread the coronaviru­s, yet no one complained to the BBC when cameras showed Iain Duncan Smith licking snot off his fingers in the Commons, which plunged the country into a vomiting epidemic?
I’ll never understand what triggers certain people to moan to officialdo­m. For example, how come 163 people complained to the Advertisin­g Standards Agency about KFC’S “finger-lickin’ good” slogan, claiming it would spread the coronaviru­s, yet no one complained to the BBC when cameras showed Iain Duncan Smith licking snot off his fingers in the Commons, which plunged the country into a vomiting epidemic?
 ??  ?? HERE’S TO YOU My mum Sheila would applaud BBC
HERE’S TO YOU My mum Sheila would applaud BBC

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