Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



At least 15 to 20 per cent of women experience e extreme menopause symptoms w which alter their quality of life, but neve never consider Hormone Therapy (HT) (HT).

Yet the evi evidence shows that it’s often a life-tr life-transformi­ng treatment.

Hormone Replacemen­t R Therapy (HRT) is the treatment t offered to women who enter e menopause before the ag age of 40 and is typically a fairly high d dose of estrogen and progestero­ne – sometimes in the form of a birth control con pill.

Hormone T Therapy (without the ‘R’) is given to wo women over the age of 40 whose blood work suggests declining hormones, an and is typically a lower dose of both estrogen and progestero­ne progestero­ne. HT is used not only for the treatment treatmen of menopausal symptoms bu but also as a long-term way to preve prevent diseases that occur as a result of de declining estrogen.

HT can red reduce the risk of cardiovasc­ul cardiovasc­ular disease, especially if you start HT within 10 years of menopause. It can help lower cholestero­l levels le and also prevent and reverse b bone loss as a result of osteopenia a and possibly osteoporos­is. Other studi studies indicate that HT can help redu reduce type 2 diabetes, some cancers and possibly Alzheimer’s. So why is there so much relucta reluctance to even consider it? Dr L Louise Newson, a meno menopause expert, says: “So many women I see in my clinic are wo worried about taking HT becaus because of their perceived breast c cancer risk,” she says. “Yet exp experienci­ng menopausal symptoms symptoms, such as low mood, reduced energy, en joint pains and poor sleep sleep, has led them to increase their weight, drink more alcohol and do less exercise.

“All these lifestyle factors increase their future risk of breast cancer, usually without them realising it, yet taking HT is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer than these. “Women often thank me, as taking HT gives them their lives back. They usually have more energy and are happier. This usually means that their lifestyle improves so they exercise more, eat a more healthy diet and drink less alcohol. So even with taking HT, they have a lower future risk of breast cancer than they had before.” There are many different types of HT, and you should work with your doctor to find which will work best for you. As with any medication you take, there will be risks, and therefore you must discuss them.

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