Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Dear Donny



I have four items of furniture, all bought at different times, so all a different colour. I’d like to make them the same shade but don’t want to use paint. Would stain work? Margaret Hole, by email


If they are made of wood you will need to sand them back to the bare wood so you can apply stain as it’ll soak into the surface. If you don’t want to sand them, look at the excellent range of Rust-oleum furniture paint.


Our kitchen floor is from the 70s and needs a clean. It’s in good nick – a terrazzo effect porcelain tile, like speckled ones you get in shops. What should we do? Richard Harris, by email


You won’t get those tiles today and it’s great they are in good condition. Try Lithofin MN Power Clean or if the tiles are covered in grease, use Lithofin WEXA. To enhance the colour and bring out the speckles, use Lithofin MN Colour Intensifie­r.


We are having a damp proof membrane on a cellar wall, then replasteri­ng. What’s the best paint to use on the walls and floor? Kay Lawrence, by email


Once the damp proof membrane is applied, the walls will be bone dry and if the cellar is ventilated and has heating, you can use any paint. Try Zinsser Perma-white on walls to prevent mould and mildew. Blackfriar Polyuretha­ne Floor Paint is ideal for foot traffic and comes in a few colours.


You recently recommende­d a product for filling cracks on exterior walls. What was it? Phil Preece, by email


I use Toupret, MUR EX masonry repair filler. Get it from Toolstatio­n for £10. It also smooths masonry surfaces and I’ve used it to reface a window sill and to fix a crack in wet-dash.

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