Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Thugs injure 27 officers during a weekend of riots Foster urges youths to steer clear of trouble


A WEEKEND of attacks “orchestrat­ed” by loyalists left 27 officers injured, the PSNI said yesterday.

Violence broke out again last night in Newtownabb­ey, Co Antrim.

More than 30 petrol bombs were thrown at police and cars hijacked by masked men in the same area on Saturday.

One man aged 47 was arrested and remained in police custody yesterday.

First Minister Arlene Foster said: “I appeal to our young people not to get drawn into disorder which will lead to them having criminal conviction­s and blighting their own lives.”

THIRTY petrol bombs were thrown at police in an “orchestrat­ed attack” during a further night of disorder over the Easter weekend.

Officers were assaulted in Newtownabb­ey on the outskirts of Belfast on Saturday, after violent scenes in the Sandy Row area of the city and in Derry on Friday.

It was the fifth consecutiv­e night of disorder in Derry, with 12 officers being injured by a large group throwing masonry, bottles, petrol bombs and fireworks.

A total of 27 officers were injured on Friday night across both cities.

North Area Commander Chief Supt Davy Beck said 30 petrol bombs were thrown at police and three cars set alight in Newtownabb­ey on Saturday.

He added from around 7.30pm to 10.30pm a crowd of 20 to 30 people, including youngsters and older men, some of whom were wearing masks, gathered in the O’neill Road/ Cloughfern area. Trouble also flared up briefly again last night. One youth was filmed being engulfed by a petrol bomb thrown by someone else.

He said: “One man aged 47 was arrested and he currently remains in police custody. My officers put on their uniform every day and go out into the community they serve, not knowing what lies ahead of them.

“However, this does not deter them from turning up every day to do their duty. No one, no matter what line of work they are in, deserves to be subjected to any kind of violence.

“The officers who serve the Newtownabb­ey area are fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, they have families who wait every day on their loved ones coming home, hoping they have not been injured or worse.

“We are living in unpreceden­ted times, dealing with a global pandemic.

No one needs the added pressure of disorder in their community. I would appeal to those who are taking to the streets to stop immediatel­y, their actions are causing nothing but harm and distress to the very communitie­s they claim they are representi­ng.”

On the same night, a security alert in Larne, Co Antrim, was declared to be a hoax. The scenes come amid tensions within loyalism across Northern Ireland.

Unionists are angry about postbrexit trading arrangemen­ts which they claim have created barriers between the region and the rest of the UK.

In Co Antrim, a recent series of drug seizures against the South East Antrim UDA – a renegade faction of the main grouping – have caused particular illfeeling towards police.

The group is believed to have been behind the disturbanc­es in Newtownabb­ey on Saturday.

Tensions ramped up further this

week following a controvers­ial decision not to prosecute 24 Sinn Fein politician­s for attending a large-scale republican funeral during Covid-19 restrictio­ns.

All the main unionist parties have demanded the resignatio­n of PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne, claiming he has lost the confidence of their community.

DUP leader Arlene Foster and other unionist parties have condemned the violence.

She said yesterday: “I appeal to our young people not to get drawn into disorder, which will lead to them having criminal conviction­s and blighting their own lives.

“I also ask people to remember that not all messages on social media are genuine and they may come from sources which are deliberate­ly trying to cause harm to your community.

“So on this Easter weekend, please stay safe with your families. Don’t get pulled into something which will ruin your life.”

Sinn Fein MLA Gerry Kelly claimed the disturbanc­es were “a direct consequenc­e of the actions of political unionism”.

He added: “The disturbanc­es in loyalist areas across the North are an outworking of the DUP’S rhetoric and underminin­g of the PSNI and criminal justice system.

“By their words and actions they have sent a very dangerous message to young people in loyalist areas.”

Meanwhile, seven people have been charged with riot following the disturbanc­es in the Sandy Row area.

Four adults – three men aged 25, 21 and 18 years old and a woman aged 19 – have been charged.

All four are due to appear at Belfast Magistrate­s Court on April 30.

Three teenagers, aged 17, 14 and 13, have also been charged with riot.

They are due to appear at Belfast Youth Court on the same date.

An eighth person arrested in connection with the unrest on Friday night, a man aged 19, has been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

I appeal to young people... don’t get pulled into something which will ruin your life


 ??  ?? FLAMING DISGRACE Unrest in Newtownabb­ey
FLAMING DISGRACE Unrest in Newtownabb­ey
 ??  ?? UNREST Disorder in Sandy Row
CARNAGE Three cars were hijacked
MAYHEM Cloughfern roundabout in North Belfast
UNREST Disorder in Sandy Row CARNAGE Three cars were hijacked MAYHEM Cloughfern roundabout in North Belfast
 ??  ?? UGLY SCENES Thug about to be hit by petrol bomb
RESPONSE Police at Sandy Row
PLAYING WITH FIRE Petrol bomb thug goes up in flames in North Belfast
UGLY SCENES Thug about to be hit by petrol bomb RESPONSE Police at Sandy Row PLAYING WITH FIRE Petrol bomb thug goes up in flames in North Belfast
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? PLEA Arlene Foster
PLEA Arlene Foster

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