Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


MLA says it’s disgrace ‘natural haven’ worth £1m let go for fraction of value



enquiry into this entire process by the Infrastruc­ture Minister, and the price received for the site and will also referring this to the Northern Ireland Audit Office.”

The public in the area had looked after the Portavoe Reservoir for decades, clubbing together as The Friends of Portavoe.

It was a popular and safe spot for walking, family days out and fishing.

But last May large metal gates were erected at Portavoe Reservoir between Donaghadee and Groomsport and the public in surroundin­g coastal areas demanded legal access to the lake during negotiatio­ns for its sale.

Friends of Portavoe campaigner Tricia Graham has helped look after the lake and surroundin­g area for 35 years.

She said: “This place should not be privatised. It was the only reservoir in Northern Ireland to be purchased by an act of parliament for the sole purpose of ensuring it was not privatised.

“Council gave Portavoe to NI Water who have had it for sale. We feel we’ve been run out of the area, blocked with metal gates and fences when we believe NI Water didn’t have the moral authority to sell something that was entrusted to the people of the area.

“A property developer entered in negotiatio­ns to buy the land and we tried to persuade Northern Ireland

Water not to sell it. Thousands of people over the years have gone to Portavoe lake for exercise, recovery from illness, to help mental health conditions and to care for and watch the plethora of wildlife in the area.


“We have pairs of rare great spotted woodpecker­s, barn owls, otters, water voles, long eared owls and much more. We feel we are losing a precious natural haven that has been enjoyed for decades by the public.”

The reservoir fell into disuse in 1992 and today decommissi­oning it would cost around £140,000.

Until now it has been inspected every 10 years and with shooting and hunting prohibited, it has become a natural haven for wildlife enthusiast­s, walkers and its gentle walks are

widely used by people recuperati­ng from ill health and surgery.

It is understood property developer Derek Tughan, described in the High Court in 2017 as the “driving force” behind Portavoe Estates, is involved in negotiatio­ns over the sale of the area despite locals saying they have earned the right to continue accessing it.

Mr Tughan won a High Court battle with Northern Ireland Water in his wider bid to buy back lands at the North Down reservoir.

A spokespers­on for NI Water said: “We are fully aware of the importance of Portavoe Reservoir to the local community and understand their concerns as ownership of the site changes.”

 ??  ?? BEAUTY SPOT Portavoe Reservoir in Donaghadee
STUNNING WILDLIFE Otters, woodpecker­s and water voles are a common sight at the Co Down reservoir
BEAUTY SPOT Portavoe Reservoir in Donaghadee STUNNING WILDLIFE Otters, woodpecker­s and water voles are a common sight at the Co Down reservoir PRECIOUS Barn owl
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 ??  ?? CONCERN Alex Easton
CONCERN Alex Easton
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