Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Golden greats

Gear release debut album 24 years after they formed ...but it’s well worth the wait


If you’d asked me that 25 years ago, when we were about first time round, I’d have said we wanted to be the biggest band in the world – as big as the Beatles and all that stuff.” Gear guitarist and de facto musical director Simon Clarke is pondering the big question that must be asked of a group releasing a debut album well into their middle age – what are you hoping for?

“Let’s be realistic,” he says, matter of fact. “None of us is going to give up work to go on the road and play to probably no one on a Tuesday night in some pub somewhere.

“That’s not what we’re about. “We’re all in our mid-40s, actually our singer Gaz [Gary] Armstrong is a bit older than that, with kids, family, jobs, all the proper stuff. We want to enjoy what we’re doing and the plan was just to have something recorded, a body of work that we are proud of.

“We’re not worried about gigs, we’d probably just do one-offs here and there.”

As if to make the point, the 45-yearold has spent the last half-hour trying to get his dog settled so he can sit down in peace.

“It’s the classic family-lockdown-geta-dog-to-keep-us-sane thing,” he explains. “But now it’s a big lump of a Retriever and it’s hard work, great though.”

The dog isn’t the only sweet by-product of their lockdown.

Today Gear release the album These Are The Only Golden Memories and it’s a bit of a belter – a glorious mix of big, bombastic indie rock, lush, sweeping melodrama and the odd tender moment thrown in for good measure.

It’s a mature and assured debut, perhaps informed by their many years on earth.

They’ve all lived a bit, felt loss and heartache, messed around and settled down and come out the other side. All the big stuff life throws at you in the course of a quarter century.

“The songs are about love and loss, hope and a bit of regret,” Simon adds.

The band – Simon, singer Gary Armstrong, bass player Nigel Aiken and drummer Andy Nicholl – first got together in 1997 in their hometown of Ballymena. They did bits and pieces and had a few songs on demos before life took them in different directions. Andy moved to Scotland and though they all remained close friends, the group seemed like a fond and distant memory.

“Then Andy came back from Scotland and he was keen to get back together. He’s like a puppy, bounding, keen about everything,” Simon says.

“We had a few practices and if I’m totally honest I wasn’t into it. It was good fun and all that so I went along with it but I really wasn’t feeling it. The others seemed to be really enjoying it though. Then one night, it all just kind of clicked and then it went very quickly after that. It was just our ambition to record something and once we had Somewhere Man, suddenly it was, ‘This is a proper song’. It sounded like it could have been recorded by... by anyone – but it was us.”

So with a new-found focus and enthusiasm the band set about getting their ideas down and lined up a few gigs – first in the Belfast Barge, a stormer of a show that took a lot of the assembled rag-tag of friends and family by surprise. “Actully, they’re good” was a well worn phrase that night. Another followed a few months later in city centre nightclub Love & Death and this time the setlist was tighter, the playing taut and muscular and their sound honed into something like what it is today.

Then, of course, the pandemic happened. Without depending on music to feed their families like so many in the industry – “I’m selling ballbearin­gs round the country, Gaz is a teacher, Nigel sells phone lines or whatever and Andy’s a drug rep” – the lockdown proved another turning point for Gear.

Simon and Gary used all that free time to crystallis­e their ideas and, despite themselves, technology was the key.

“I’m a total technophob­e but we’d just ping stuff back and forward on Whatsapp – all very 21st century,” Simon explains. “From a creative point of view, the pandemic gave us time to get new tunes together. Gaz would send me a melody and I’d put music to it or I’d send him what I was working on. Without wanting to sound up my own arse, it was a very natural process.”

It sounds like it too. There’s a lovely ebb and flow to These Are The Only Golden Memories and while the influences are there for all to see each song is definitely their own.

“Obviously, we were influenced by The Stone Roses – I’m a huge John Squire fan – Manic Street Preachers, The Verve, U2 and the Smiths, Johnny Marr. We all love Oasis too, and make no apologies about it, but we tried to steer away from that a bit. We’ve even binned decent songs because they sounded a bit too much like them...

“But you are only really going to produce what you’re listening to – I’m hardly going to bounce in and say, ‘let’s do a dance track’.”

Again technology played a key role in filling out the band’s early takes after Simon enlisted Julia Violinista after hearing her string versions of Britpop classics on Twitter.

He said: “I sent her some stuff, thankfully she liked it and it just kind of lifted it. It turned Somewhere Man on its head, made it haunting and on For Every Soul There’s A Star In The Sky there’s a moment when she comes in between the first chorus and the second verse and it might be my favourite 20 seconds on the album.

“The recording process was great though – we lucked out with Zerohour Studios [in Coleraine] and it was like an Aladdin’s Cave of vintage guitars and equipment and the producer

Michael Mccloskey just seemed to get us. It’s a cliche but he was like a fifth member – and we don’t have egos so we never threw the toys out of the pram when things got changed.

“Another nice thing was getting our kids to do backing vocals. My daughter Rebekah and Gary’s step-daughter Leah are on it and though they would never give us full kudos I think they were pretty impressed by how it turned out.”

So back to that big question, what’s the longterm plan for a band starting out with a combined aged of 187?

“I’d happily do this to doomsday,” Simon adds. “Just the playing together, recording and the laughs we have – these guys are my best friends.”

Is there a better reason to make music?

These Are The Only Golden Memories is out today, available on CD or on Spotify and other streaming services. Launch party at Voodoo in Belfast on November 12 – tickets from Eventbrite or on the door.

Let’s be realistic, none of us is going to give up work to go on the road and play to probably no one in a pub somewhere ...we just want to enjoy what we’re do and record something we’re proud of

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From left, Simon Clarke, Gary Armstrong, Andy Nicholl and Nigel Aiken
VINTAGE GEAR... From left, Simon Clarke, Gary Armstrong, Andy Nicholl and Nigel Aiken

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