Daily Mirror

Judge Ricki’s not Si tough

Strictly has given him a mid-life lift


A GLIMPSE of Daisy Lowe’s legs has men cheering, Ore Oduba’s bum has women sighing and Danny Mac’s torso prompts a wave of teenage screams.

But on the Strictly Come Dancing Live! tour the sight of only one star whips the audience into a frenzy. When the lights go up to reveal Ed Balls – resplenden­t in a bright pink suit – the place erupts.

The former Shadow Chancellor has achieved rock star status.

He clearly loves the attention and yet, as he prepares to turn 50 this month, even he can’t but wonder how his life reached this point.

“I quite often find myself saying: ‘Blimey, am I actually doing this?’. By the time I was 50 I wanted to be Chancellor in a Labour government.

“That hasn’t happened – but it’s still shaping up to be my best birthday ever.”

Ed, who reaches his half-century on February 25, could never have anticipate­d the warm reaction when he began the TV show in September. He defied critics and lasted until week 10 with long-suffering profession­al partner Katya Jones – despite nearly dropping her a few times.

Although Ore was eventually crowned winner, judge Len Goodman said Ed was the People’s Champion. So he couldn’t wait to hit the road with fellow dancers.

Ed, who has three children with wife, Labour MP Yvette Cooper, admits he’s having a mid-life crisis. “What’s key is doing the midlife crisis in a positive way,” he says.

“Life isn’t about trying to be dignified, it’s being relaxed about who you are. My kids US actress Ricki Lake said she would not be harsh like Simon Cowell as a guest judge on Let It Shine tonight.

The ex-talk show host, 48, said she would encourage lads who failed to land roles in a Take That musical as she had had setbacks.

She said: “My tone is never going to be like Simon Cowell’s. I’ll always root for the underdog.” The show is on BBC One at 6.55pm.

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STAR PUPIL Ed and Katya visiting his old primary school POLL DANCER Ed in Commons

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