Daily Mirror

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Helen Mirren, 71

The glamorous actress continues to look fabulous in a bikini at 71, but her somewhat surprising secret is a fitness plan designed by the Royal Canadian Air Force in the 1950s.

It comprises 10 exercises including push-ups, sit-ups, running on the spot and arm circling, which aim to work each of the muscle groups.

Helen explains: “Each day, you have to do the exercises within 12 minutes – and until you can do that, you can’t move up.”

Pair that with plenty of sleep, and Dame Helen thinks you have the perfect recipe for looking great, no matter what age you are.

“When I’m working hard, I don’t party,” she says. “I just go to bed. If I’m on a film, I even try to catch some sleep in my trailer at lunchtime.

“I really try to sleep as much as possible. It’s very important.”

Matt LeBlanc, 50 this year Elle Macpherson, 53

“People ask me the smart way to age, and when I was younger I was able to rely on genetics,” says the veteran Aussie model. “But today I need to make conscious choices that support my body for optimum health, vitality and beauty from the inside out.” Elle’s current health choice is the alkaline diet, a plant-based one she tried a few years ago after feeling run down. The diet involves avoiding ‘acid-forming’ foods such as fizzy water, sugar, processed food, meat, cheese, chocolate, grains, eggs, tea and coffee. Instead you fill up on alkaline-forming grub such as fish, fruit and vegetables. Advocates of this plan believe it can help prevent disease, weight gain and premature ageing – although many experts are sceptical. The mum of three also avoids cosmetic procedures. “I’ve learnt that a good smile, good teeth, good hair, good skin and a good mood is worth a thousand injectable­s, Botox, facials and masks.”

Hugh Laurie, 57 Cindy Crawford, 5

“No matter what I do, I’m n supermodel. “I just want to and take really good care o however old you are, rega accepting your age is ada wear a bikini, but I am no “And I wear far less m much powder emphasis younger my hair looked with it wet. Now it’s go delicate, so I use less h

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