Daily Mirror



EAT MORE PROTEIN AND FEWER CARBS Protein is the building block of muscle, and since muscle mass diminishes as you age, you need to up your intake. HOW: Ensure you have protein with every meal. Healthy sources include nuts, seeds, fish, dairy and lean meat. Avoid refined carbs in the form of white bread and pasta and stick to wholegrain varieties which release glucose more slowly, causing less weight gain.

MAKE SURE YOU WORK THOSE MUSCLES The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when you’re not exercising. So, as you age, it’s important to do what’s called resistance training – exercising with some form of weights – to keep your muscles strong. HOW: Light weight-lifting two to three times a week will help both men and women. You need to use weights that are heavy enough to exhaust your muscles with 12 repetition­s, yet light enough to complete eight comfortabl­y. Get advice from a personal trainer or local gym to get started. Yoga, which uses the weight of your own body for resistance, can also help build muscle.

ELIMINATE STRESS Midlife can be a time of high stress – juggling troublesom­e teenage kids, elderly parents and high-pressure work. But research has linked high levels of the stress hormone cortisol to an accumulati­on of fat around your midriff. HOW: Eliminatin­g as much stress as possible from your daily routine will help cut the amount of cortisol your body makes. Trying a local mindfulnes­s or meditation class can help here – check your local paper or go to nextdoor.com. And delegate more to colleagues and family members, so you’re not trying to do it all.

USE EVERY OPPORTUNIT­Y TO STAND UP Being sedentary for too long decreases the activity of an enzyme called lipoprotei­n lipase, which helps us burn fat around the middle. Standing, however, burns twice as many calories as sitting. HOW: Use opportunit­ies to stand more, whether on public transport or while talking on the phone.

DON’T LET LACK OF SLEEP AFFECT YOUR APPETITE Our sleep quality often declines in middle age, but when you’re short on sleep your appetite increases, meaning you eat more and gain weight. HOW: Set a soothing bedtime routine that includes a warm bath, and turn off all screens and dim the lights an hour before going to bed.

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