Daily Mirror

M thinner at 68 than at 16!


-of-three Moira Mackenzie, 68, a ed teacher lives in Tain, Ross-Shire husband John. She recently lost e than 5st. d always been overweight. My first aged 16 was a size 16. I have tried y diet going including shake meal cements and slimming tablets othing kept the weight off for By the time I hit my 40s, I’d hree children and just got er and bigger. I hated being so and always wore dark y clothes. y problem was food addiction articular to chocolate. I had no ower. My husband worked away ce the kids were in bed, I’d binge en on two large bars of Galaxy. My portions were huge too and the ht piled on over the years. ut in 2012, I had a family wedding ng up and size 22 clothes were too I weighed 15st 7lbs. At this point, 63, I decided to try Thinking Slimmer – -hypnosis CD programme that promises ange the way you think about food to you overeating. The effect was lievable. After just a few days of listening eir ‘Drop Two Jean Sizes’ CD, my appetite ced and I stopped bingeing – I didn’t want my chocolate anymore. The Slimpod recordings use “mind over matter” techniques to break the food addiction cycle but in a positive way, encouragin­g you to visualise how you want to look and feel. “I reduced my portion sizes, not because I was dieting, but because I did not want as much and would stop when I was full. The weight slowly but surely started coming off – and stayed off. I plateaued after the first year but just kept going and listening to the CDs and five years on I’ve lost five stone and am 10st 7lbs. “My whole mindset has changed. I eat healthily and still love food but focus on enjoying what I’m eating, which ensures I don’t binge. And I now walk my dogs for up to 10 miles every day. “I’m wearing jeans for the first time in 40 years and I’m wearing a lovely size 12 dress for my youngest’s son’s wedding this weekend!” For more informatio­n about Slimpod visit: thinkingsl­immer.com

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