Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

My partner and I were together for a year when I found out I was pregnant. The relationsh­ip wasn’t easy and a lot had happened – he cheated, lied and became verbally abusive.

I ended up leaving him and we have been apart now for five months, although we were still in touch up until a few weeks ago.

Again, I decided to stop contact due to him becoming aggressive, both verbally and physically.

I am now being told by his friends that I have overreacte­d and if I hadn’t played with his emotions and ended the relationsh­ip, none of this would be happening.

Am I really to blame?

Coleen says

No! If he is verbally and physically abusive, then of course you have done the right thing in leaving him.

It doesn’t matter what his friends say, you know you had very good reasons for walking away – cheating, lying and aggression.

They probably don’t see that side of him and only have his version of the story – no abuser turns round and admits what they’ve done.

So the bottom line is, don’t worry about what his friends think. You know the truth, but if it helps, then tell them.

I’m assuming you’re still pregnant, so focus on yourself and preparing for the baby’s arrival.

If it comes to your ex requesting to see the baby, then get advice from social services if you’re worried about his anger issues.

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