Daily Mirror

Brit faces export row over £300k Canadian VC


A VICTORIA Cross won by a wartime Canadian tank commander may spark a transatlan­tic tussle after it sold for over £300,000.

An anonymous British collector bought the medal at an auction in London on Wednesday, but needs an export licence to receive it.

The Canadian War Museum was outbid in the auction.

The VC was won by Lt Col David Currie who led 15 tanks and 130 men during a three-day attack by Germans in the Falaise Gap in Normandy, France, in 1944.

Once a permit is applied for the Canadian government can set a period of up to six months when a home buyer can get the medal by matching the £328,921 paid.

Only then can the British collector claim the VC, which was the only one given to a Canadian in the 1944 Normandy campaign.

 ??  ?? FOR VALOUR Currie’s VC

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