Daily Mirror

Invasion of the sex-mad cannibals...

... and why we should be glad to have spiders

- BY EMILY RETTER Senior Feature Writer emily.retter@ trinitymir­ror. com

Millions of spiders have begun creeping and crawling from every crevice and corner of every home ready for an orgy of sex and violence as their mating season begins.

Love them or loathe them, there will be no escaping them over the next month.

Paul Hetheringt­on, of the Buglife charity, says: “In one word – sex. That is why we are seeing the numbers of spiders we are now seeing.

“Most of the time house spiders live in the cracks between wall spaces, cellars, and so on, and you don’t see them. But at this time of year they have fantastic mating rituals and dances. They are putting on a show.”

And the reason spiders like to hang about on their own is their tendency to cannibalis­m. Pauls says: “They will eat each other. So when the male approaches the female he will put on an elaborate display to ensure he is not going to be eaten, and the female will do the same if she is interested.

“Although the female will often eat the male afterwards anyway.”

Perfect weather for breeding this year means we can also expect an invasion of daddy long legs, or crane flies.

And two types of house-loving spider – the daddy long legs spider, named because it looks like the crane fly and the noble false widow spider – are growing in number as they spread north.

Lawrence Bell, of the British Arachnolog­ical Society, says: “They are spreading because of climate change.

“Conditions are warmer, the winters are milder. They are moving to the Midlands and the north of the country, and are taking over new areas.”

It’s all a bit of a nightmare for arachnopho­bes, but spiders are not all bad news, as this guide reveals.

Are any British spiders dangerous to humans?

There are 670 types of spider in Britain, but most live in hedgerows, fields, woods, and even underwater. There are only about 100 that prefer to live indoors.

Just four have a bite that can puncture human skin, and while any wound can gain a secondary infection, only one the noble false widow is venomous.

Not great news given these are spreading across the country.

The noble widow has been in the south of England for around 100 years, after being imported with bananas from the Canaries, but are now spreading north.

But experts say the bite of this spider, which usually lives outdoors and ventures indoors in the winter for warmth, would not affect most people badly.

Paul says: “It poses a very minimal risk. There is no evidence at all of this causing any reaction in humans. But there is always a chance of an allergic reaction, the same as a wasp or bee sting, so it is best to see a doctor if you have an unusual reaction.”

Is it good to have spiders hanging around the home?

Spiders are actually far better for our homes than the prey they gobble up, so they should be every man’s best friend. Paul says: “They control other pests like flies, which sit on faeces and dead animal carcasses outside and spread far more germs and diseases than spiders.” And Lawrence says: “They control pests in the garden, like greenfly and blackfly. They are part of a complex food web. “

So spiders just eat insects?

The daddy long legs spider is also expert at killing off the other house spider species.

Lawrence says: “The daddy long legs spider has a potent venom. It can’t break a human’s skin, but it can other spiders’.

“It also vibrates in the web if you disturb it. This is very helpful in trapping anything in the web – it is trapping other types of spider. We think for that reason, the number of house spiders seems to be less.”

How can we keep spiders out of the house?

The best tip is to keep your house clean and not leave food around that could attract

the insects which spiders feed on.

Paul says: “They don’t really like being in full view so it’s about paying attention to the corners and crevices. It’s about disturbing those areas.”

And how do you dispose of a spider?

Spiders will try to bite if they feel threatened so best not to catch them in your hands. Paul says: “Put a glass over it and slide a sheet of card underneath and tip it out the door. Although they will probably find their way back in.” Great.

Is it just spiders we’ll see more of?

Thanks to climate change slugs and snails have longer breeding times so numbers are on the rise, says Paul. Beer traps can help keep them under control. Slugs love beer – so they drown, but at least they die happy.

 ??  ?? SLIME WAVE Climate change is increasing the slug population LET US PREY Noble false widow is venomous
Daddy Long Legs spider, below OUT ON A LIMB
SLIME WAVE Climate change is increasing the slug population LET US PREY Noble false widow is venomous Daddy Long Legs spider, below OUT ON A LIMB

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