Daily Mirror

Believe me, I’m not just a pretty face...


MY phone rang two days ago. It was a recent addition to my family – someone who knows me well now, but hasn’t for very long. He sounded confused and upset.

“My car’s dead,” he said, before adding suspicious­ly, “and apparently

you know how to do a jump start?” When I confirmed this fact, and threw in the bonus info that I had my own jump leads, it was almost too much for him.

Any pleasure or relief he felt at getting his vehicle working again was cancelled out by his brain being unable to make sense of the world any more.

And I get it. I’m a very unlikely person to secretly be – basically – a fully qualified mechanic.

But humans are a complex mix of contradict­ions. There is always more going on under the surface than anyone can guess.

To protect my friends and family from any other disturbing surprises like this, I’ve decided the best policy is to be completely upfront about all my other hidden talents. Full disclosure: I can ....

...do the alphabet in sign language.

I’m absolutely certain that eventually this is going to save the day somewhere, somehow. Hasn’t been at all necessary or even useful in my life up to the point of typing this sentence though, unfortunat­ely.

...touch really hot things.

Do not try this at home (unless you’re also blessed with – to use the medical term – asbestos fingers), but I can take stuff straight out of the oven with my bare hands. I will inevitably end up on Britain’s Got Talent, I’m sure. Also, I have saved literally pounds on oven gloves.

...unscrew screws really well, first time.

At some point in my past, I heard the legend, “Loosey lefty, tighty righty,” and for some reason – even though I’ve forgotten loads of important things I actually needed to remember – it has stuck in my head. As a result, if I ever need to unscrew anything, I just get straight to it with no messing about in the wrong direction. Impressive, I know.

...do the full dance routine to Stop, by The Spice Girls.

And I’m not bashful about it – I will gleefully perform it at the drop of a hat... and yet, for some reason, everyone I know always keeps their hat firmly on their head.


Not anything fancy – can’t purl, obv – I’m a basic bitch, and I only ever produce one thing... but many people I know have and regularly wear a scarf made by me. Especially after I show them how to tie it so no one will notice how much the width varies throughout.

...get grease stains out of clothes.

The trick is to put a brown paper bag over the mark, and iron it. I’m not going to tell anyone that though, because you don’t just give away the trade secrets that make you unique.

...flush any loo.

I mean, this is just pure unadultera­ted boasting now, but when you’re undeniably talented at something, it’s hard to be modest. Any loo. First time. No, I don’t need a descriptio­n of its quirk, tips or a descriptio­n of the knack you use, thanks.

You’re probably feeling really inadequate now, but do try not to hate me because you ain’t me.

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