Daily Mirror


- FROM DEAN WILSON in Brisbane

JAKE BALL credits playing club cricket in Australia and hard work in the gym for making him an Ashes cricketer.

Ball’s recovery from a sprained ankle earned him the call for last night’s first Test ahead of Craig Overton.

And he agrees with head coach Trevor Bayliss’s assessment that having played grade cricket here, first as a teenager at Darren Lehmann’s academy and then in New South Wales, has given him a sound grounding.

Ball, who took 28 wickets for Adelaide University at an average of 24, said: “I’ve played club cricket out here and on these sort of pitches so I know it suits my bowling.

“I understand what it’s about and know the Aussie people quite well. That was my first tour away at 18 or 19 and I really enjoy playing cricket over here and the conditions.”

Ball (above) was due to have a third winter in Australia in 2014/15, arranged by his Nottingham­shire boss and England selector Mick Newell, but turned it down in favour of gym work. Confident in his

bowling ability, Ball wanted 89.5mph 89.0mph 88.9mph 88.8mph 86.0mph to get stronger and it has paid off. He added: “I had a pretty big winter in the gym. I got used to my body and got used to what bowling was about.

“I’ve learned a lot since I’ve been around the Test and one-day boys. I’ve learned a lot about my game and that helped in knowing when to push it. But a lot of it is gym work.”

His fellow paceman Mark Wood admits it was tough watching England prepare without him, but he still has hopes of playing a part in this Ashes.

Wood is currently getting back up to full speed after another injury setback this year that required sugar injections to try to strengthen the ligaments in his left foot.

And after helping prepare his old team-mates by bowling at them as part of the Lions squad out in Australia, he is desperate to rejoin the full side at some point.

“It was tough seeing all the lads preparing and I was with the Lions,” said Wood, a 2015 Ashes winner. “It was nice to see everyone, but it was hard to be on the edge of things and not amongst it.

“I still hope that at some point I might be part of it – it’s a long series. If there is an injury, I’m raring to go.” Jake Ball (England) Pat Cummins (Australia) Mitchell Starc (Australia) Stuart Broad (England) James Anderson (England)

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