Daily Mirror

No foreigners, er, apart from her…


Nigel Farage has praised UKIP leader Henry Bolton for leaving his wife for a young model on the grounds that “at least he’s being talked about now”.

Talked about being one way of defining mercilessl­y mocked. Still, it’s allowed us to discover that Bolton carries on the uncanny habit of populist, right-wing leaders being in thrall to foreign women.

Bolton’s first wife was Danish and his second one Russian. Farage was married to a German before dating a French woman. Arron Banks, ex-UKIP backer who’s flirting with setting up his own right-wing party, is married to a Russian. And I’m sure Paul Nuttall claimed he’d been out with Martina Hingis and Heidi Klum.

It’s a pattern repeated in America where Donald Trump’s first wife was Czech and his second Slovenian.

What do men who are all vehemently against foreigners living in their country see in these women? Do they think that, with being able to master more than one European language, they’ll help them translate their first editions of Mein Kampf?

Or is it simply a case of these antiimmigr­ant hypocrites spouting: “Do as I say, not who I do”?

 ??  ?? SPLIT UKIP’s Bolton left wife
SPLIT UKIP’s Bolton left wife

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