Daily Mirror

I love to snap miaowself..


WHERE’S the paws button on this thing? Manny the Selfie Cat grabs a photo with his puppy posse in one of a series of shots that have made him an online sensation.

The grey tabby rescue cat knows how to get the best mogshot on his GoPro camera and has won over 400,000 followers on Instagram.

But he’s more than happy to share the spotlight with his owner and the other three cats and four dogs they lives with in northern Arizona, US.

Owner Yorem Ahm said Manny is unusually intelligen­t, adding: “He is very curious, and whenever I take pictures of my dogs, he basically photobombs the camera and tries to take it from me.”

Typical purrfectio­nist...

 ??  ?? MOGGING THE CAMERA Manny and friend are the cat’s whiskers PUSS IN SHOOTS With dog friends CLAWS-UP Owner Yorem gets a look-in
MOGGING THE CAMERA Manny and friend are the cat’s whiskers PUSS IN SHOOTS With dog friends CLAWS-UP Owner Yorem gets a look-in

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