Daily Mirror

Don’t put off your smear test


It seems from a recent survey many women view the smear test as rather embarrassi­ng and this might put you off getting tested. But here’s why I think you should have it done anyway.

So how is it done? The smear test is performed with a special tool called a speculum, which allows your doctor to open up the vaginal canal, so that the cervix can be seen. A sample of cells is then collected from the cervix with a special tool called a brush.

This sample-taking procedure is what women are usually most afraid of or embarrasse­d about. This is a natural reaction, given that a person you don’t know gets to insert a cold and uncomforta­ble instrument into your vagina.

The collected sample is screened for any unusual results, which might indicate the presence of the human papillomav­irus (HPV), which is a major risk factor for the developmen­t of cervical cancer.

HPV is a very common sexually transmitte­d infection, and it can be contracted via sexual contact (vaginal, oral or anal).

In many cases, HPV will be eliminated naturally by the body’s immune system but in some cases, however, it can linger in the body, causing genital warts, or leading to cervical cancer.

The smear test is used to detect any changes indicative of pre-cancer, which can sometimes develop into cancer if left untreated.

As a smear test detects cells in their precancero­us stage, you can have preventive treatment before cancer develops.

More good news!

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