Daily Mirror

The anti-cancer life


For everyone there are lifestyle factors that can reduce the risk of cancers developing and checks that can spot anything suspicious early, so get them into your life... Not smoking. Doing regular physical exercise – brisk walking three times a week is recommende­d, and at least 150 minutes a week.

Maintainin­g a healthy body weight and keeping fat off your middle.

Limiting alcohol intake (no more than 14 units a week – that’s the same for men and women).

Eating a healthy balanced diet – low in salt, fat and red and processed meat and high in fruits, vegetables and fibre. Aim for lots of colours of fruit and veg to give you different vitamins and minerals.

Not too much sun, especially if you’re fair skinned. Stay in the shade, cover up and wear sunscreen.

Take advantage of cancer screening tests like the cervical smear and bowel screening tests as well as regular mammograms.

Whatever your family history of cancer, these recommenda­tions can help everyone live a healthier life, and can help people feel that they’re doing what they can to control their risks.

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