Daily Mirror

Nailing abusers is no witch hunt


Since the explosion in reporting of historic sex offence cases, there have been repeated calls from some to “end the witch hunts”.

They say it costs too much money, changes nothing and is unfair on those unable to defend themselves decades after alleged offences.

This week we saw the perfect response to that argument when a group of grown men watched their childhood abuser Barry Bennell jailed for 30 years.

“Barry, why?” asked Gary Cliffe, a former Manchester City junior player, as he approached Bennell in the dock.

In that moment Cliffe and all Bennell’s victims took back the power stolen from them all those years ago.

And that is why we must continue to investigat­e the cases of historic abuse whenever they are reported.

“Cleaning with kitchen sprays is as damaging to women’s lungs as smoking 20 a day,” I read.

Fascinatin­gly, there is no mention of potential damage to men’s lungs.

In which case it’s clear who needs to be wielding the Cillit Bang in future.

 ??  ?? JUSTICE Bennell got 30 years
JUSTICE Bennell got 30 years
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