Daily Mirror

And so to the 5 BIG QUESTIONS of the week


1 Research claiming boys who look like their dads get more attention from them as they feel they’re theirs. Is that why you rarely see Prince Charles talking to Harry?


Were right-wing editors enraged over Sergei Skripal’s attempted murder because they were hoping if any spy was to be poisoned it would be Jeremy Corbyn?


This crackdown on “the secondary ticketing sector”. Why don’t we just call it banging up touts?


Is Greggs employing bouncers the easiest job ever? How hard is it to chase a lard arse down the road who’s robbed a steak slice?


Can I remind all men it’s Mother’s Day tomorrow so they need to get down to the local garage pronto as those £4.99 forecourt bouquets get snapped up rather quickly?

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