Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 Recent delays would have tested even your patience. Still, you will be rewarded sooner or later. Right now, you may be pacing around in frustratio­n, understand­able. However, since Mars enters Capricorn this weekend, drop everything for some rest and relaxation. For more call 0903 658 1001

Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19 You are quite choosy about who you want to spend time with at the moment, but for good reason. The weekend’s new moon in Pisces highlights just how important certain friends are to you. Your appreciati­on of them is evident and does not go unnoticed. It’s a very impressive trait. For more call 0903 658 1002

Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20 The New Moon takes place in your own birth sign. For some, it’s time to choose whether to remain single. For others, the foundation­s of your personal life will be shaken this weekend. A little fantasy wouldn’t go amiss, even if your Pisces heart is hurting. Emotionall­y closed you’re not. For more call 0903 658 1003

Aries March 21–April 20 Due to the new moon in Pisces, the emphasis is on what is hidden or unseen. It’s a case of ask no questions tell no lies. To be honest, somebody wants to open up to you. Just don’t blind or close your eyes to other possibilit­ies that arise this weekend. For more call 0903 658 1004

Taurus April 21–May 21 The new moon in Pisces should lift your spirits to new, dizzying heights. Maybe all it took was that one phone call or message. That or the promise of some fun to take your mind off the working week you’ve just had. Do things you’ve never done before. Embrace the adventure. For more call 0903 658 1005

Gemini May 22–June 20 Your self-confidence has been waning recently, and you need to listen to others when they are telling you how fantastic you really are. You may be surprised, but luck is on your side. Make it count. Look to the future with excitement, big things are coming your way. For more call 0903 658 1006 Cancer June 21–July 22 Stick to your plans, particular­ly if you’re supposed to be travelling. There could be a clash of schedules due to the new moon in Pisces. “Must dash anyway” though this is quite normal. After all, you have a busy schedule. What happens this weekend is phenomenal. For more call 0903 658 1007

Leo July 23–August 22 You have a lot of pride, and there is nothing wrong with that. Though when it comes to certain situations, you must accept the help you are being offered. The new moon in Pisces signifies that someone empathises with your plight this weekend. You’re unlikely to resist their offer. For more call 0903 658 1008

Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22 You may have been accused before of not being attentive to those closest to you. It’s not that – you just needed some time to yourself. People are dependent on you and you very sensitive to their problems. Your insecuriti­es should never hold you back from achieving your goals. For more call 0903 658 1009

Libra Sept 23–Oct 23 The new moon in Pisces urges you to keep going with your projects. Whatever you let fall to the wayside, go back to it and try and start again. You have it in you to achieve anything you desire, you just get distracted. Staying at home this weekend will do wonders for you. For more call 0903 658 1010

Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22 The new moon in Pisces signifies that you may be torn between finding love and succeeding in your career. It doesn’t need to be a choice, you can flourish in both. It’s time to decide whether you should put in any more time. Always act on your gut instinct. For more call 0903 658 1011

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21 The new moon in Pisces denotes some home improvemen­ts. True, you won’t feel entirely comfortabl­e in your surroundin­gs until all is complete, but that will change. Your plate is quite full this weekend, just try not to put anything off. You can conquer it all. For more call 0903 658 1012

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