Daily Mirror

Well, Royal Mail’s got it licked now


In March 2013 a first-class stamp cost 46p. Its price was then raised 30% to 60p to make Royal Mail a more attractive money-making option for would-be investors before privatisat­ion. That stamp now costs 67p with the profits pouring into the pockets of private shareholde­rs.

Any chance Royal Mail could put pictures of the following on their next set of commemorat­ive stamps: Dick Turpin, Fagin, Ronnie Biggs and themselves. And call the collection Great British Robbers.

Paul O’Grady believes he’s in danger of alien abduction having seen “strange light formations” above his home in Kent. Rest easy, Paul. That UFO had probably lost its way and was seeking out the Kent man who is the world’s leading authority on sending aliens home. Nigel Farage.

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