Daily Mirror

All-clear for woman ‘living on a prayer’


A WOMAN who received a message from Jon Bon Jovi after being told she was dying of cancer has now learned she is free of the disease.

Hannah Curr’s pals got her music idol, 56, to send her the video after she learned her breast tumour had spread to her brain.

The 33-year-old, whose mum, gran, great-gran and aunt all died of the disease, was told she might have only six months left to live.

But after a double mastectomy and 29 sessions of chemothera­py and radiothera­py, there is now no evidence of cancer.

Hannah, 33, from Beeston, Notts, said: “It’s a massive relief.” She called the Living on a Prayer singer’s message “uplifting” and added: “It was a really kind thing for him to do.”

 ??  ?? RELIEF Hannah Curr
RELIEF Hannah Curr

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