Daily Mirror

Their verdict...


LAURA SAYS: “I know I rely on the internet and my iPhone an awful lot – but I didn’t know quite how much. I think I would crumble if I didn’t have Google.

“I definitely agree with the survey that 62% of older people tend to be wiser, with my generation turning to older relatives for any questions.

“Dad stores so much random trivia in his head. I definitely think now is the time to let dad teach me a few more life lessons.”

TONY SAYS: “I never realised until we tried the things on the list how many skills I have lost over the years after I’ve become more dependant on the internet.

“Still, only 10% of over-55s can mend a car engine, so I don’t feel too bad. And there are a lot of things that Laura can do which I struggle with, such as using social media. So we are always learning from each other.”

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