Daily Mirror

Forget the far-Right and the yobs.. this is our land


YOUNG people say they are ashamed to be English, because the far-Right claim this territory.

But it doesn’t belong to football hooligans or flag-waving neo-fascists. It is our birthright, it’s what makes us who we are. English isn’t just a language that the whole world wants to speak, it is a thousand years of history, and a way of life that other countries envy.

I’m English and proud of it. I wouldn’t want to be anything else, or live anywhere else, and as the young grow into the inheritanc­e left by generation­s like mine, I’m sure they will cherish that unique personalit­y. This is a turbulent time for national identity.

It’s under threat from both sides in the increasing­ly bitter Brexit conflict.

So, as the song says: “Let’s hang on, to what we’ve got…”

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