Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

I’m 29 and I never seem to meet any nice men. All my friends are pairing off and getting engaged and married, but it’s just not happening for me.

All the men I go out with are either married, or just interested in me for sex and disappear after we sleep together for the first time.

Or we go out for a couple of months and they start to borrow money, or become controllin­g or start messing me around.

I’m a kind, honest woman and I’m so tired of going out with men who treat me badly. Are there any nice single men out there? And if there are, why can’t I meet any?

Coleen says

Well for a start, because you keep going out with married men. As soon as you find out a man is married, that should be it. Don’t even go there.

While you say you’re kind and honest, it’s not very honest to go out with a married man. And, as you’re finding out, when you do, you start to think all men are only after one thing.

But as your friends have proved, there are lots of nice guys out there – you just have to have a bit of self-respect and hold out for a good one. Not a married one who plays games or is hard to get.

Take a good look at yourself and ask yourself why are you always attracted to these men? Is it the danger and secrecy?

Maybe you’re just somebody who is attracted to drama. Maybe there are nice guys around you but you don’t notice them because you think they’re too boring or too nice.

They’re the nice men you’re after – you just have to learn to recognise them.

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