Daily Mirror

Educating the in-laws


Since Bride And Prejudice is about brides and grooms-to-be butting heads with family members who don’t agree with their choice of partner, it was always going to contain a fair amount of conflict.

However, last week’s opener left me feeling some of the participan­ts had fallen victim to the first rule of Channel 4 reality shows.

Namely, if you say anything controvers­ial it will be edited straight into the first episode and you will be thrown to the wolves on social media. That’s the nature of the beast, unfortunat­ely. If a new show doesn’t provoke an instant reaction online it isn’t doing its job.

Sure enough an Asian mother was savaged for beginning a sentence “I don’t mean to be racist but… ”, while the parents of Rob, pictured above with partner Simon, were put on Twitter trial for suggesting he wasn’t a “genuine gay” because he didn’t do the limp-wristed walk etc.

Last night’s second episode at least gave a little background and context. So while you may have still taken issue with what the parents were saying there was a chance you might have understood where they were coming from.

Confrontin­g prejudices head on might just have done the trick.

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