Daily Mirror



We spend an average 81,000 hours – nine full years of our life – at work and large numbers of us stay in jobs we don’t enjoy. Many don’t realise how unhappy they are until it’s spelled out for them.

We’ve teamed up with thelondono­ffice.com to bring you 10 signs it’s time to jump ship.

1. You dread Mondays You always get the Sunday night blues and panic about going to work.

2. Your productivi­ty takes a hit You have to force yourself to trudge through what feels like mundane tasks every day.

3. You dislike your colleagues You can’t face eight hours a day with your colleagues or manager.

4. You’re not challenged If your work day looks pretty identical to the day you arrived – time to broaden your horizons.

5. Your stress levels have rocketed Many people thrive on pressure but if you’re constantly anxious, time to look elsewhere.

6. You have work nightmares You have frequent – and terrifying – dreams about work.

7. You feel your work is undermined Decisions you make are constantly being challenged by others – without fair reason.

8. Your sleep is disrupted You’re having difficulty sleeping or wake with job-related worries.

9. The company bleeds talent If top-notch workers are being lured away with better positions and money, and your firm isn’t making any effort to keep them, this isn’t a sign of a bright future.

10. You’re reading this article You wouldn’t have committed to reading this if you didn’t feel you’d be able to relate – so quit dillydally­ing and get job searching!

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