Daily Mirror

Mother-in-law hates that I have gone back to work


Dear Coleen

I have two sons aged five and eight, and I’ve just gone back to work four days a week. Before this, I took almost eight years off to be a stay-at-home mum.

My mother-in-law, who lives 20 minutes away and has never offered to help us out with childcare, has started to make snide remarks about me working. She keeps reminding me that she never worked, but life today is very different to 30 or 40 years ago, when she was raising her kids.

Most of my friends work and many went back soon after having their children. I’ve been at home for eight years and, to be honest, by the end I was desperate to get back to work to regain some of my identity. I also really love my job and I enjoy earning my own money.

My kids have had a bit of a tough time adjusting to things, and they keep saying they hate their after-school club, but I know they’ll get used to it in time.

However, my mother-in-law keeps jumping in and saying things like, “You can see they’re unhappy, why do you have to keep working?”

I’m having to bite my tongue around her, but at the same time I have a niggling worry she has a point, and I should be spending more time with the kids. What do you think?

Coleen says

In terms of worrying if she has a point, I think you’re just living with mother’s guilt. We all have it! Especially working mums.

I think you should carry on biting your tongue and just keep doing what you’re doing. You’ve taken eight years off to be a stay-at-home mum, which is great. But I understand you now want to get back to doing something that gives you your identity.

Listen, whether mums work or stay at home, as soon as they put a baby in our arms we feel guilty. And stay-at-home mums often feel jealous or frustrated when they see working mums. Not all of them, of course. Then working mums look at stay-at-home mums and feel guilty for not being there.

But back to your mother-in-law, she’s probably slightly envious that you are getting your life back. And you’re right, she did raise kids in a different era. But she needs to realise that times have moved on – tell her women can even vote now!

Your kids will be absolutely fine. They might play up for a bit, but they’ll soon settle. And you’ll be a better mum for working, feeling happy and looking forward to seeing them.

So just ignore your mother-in-law!

She makes snide remarks and says she never worked

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