Daily Mirror



It was charming to read about the couple who won £57million on the Euro lottery, after their winning ticket was at first thrown in the bin.

But it was even more delightful to read about the lucky winners at a company called Amazon, who made profits of £72million, and because of a loophole in the system, only have to pay 6% corporatio­n tax, so it’s win-win-win for the chirpy little board of directors.

Amazon boss Jeff Bezos is said to be thrilled with his windfall, because he was worth only £113billion, so it should ease some money worries.

He hasn’t said yet how he’ll spend his winnings, but Amazon was reported recently to make its employees work such long hours in some of their UK warehouses that they go to the toilet in bottles.

So the first purchase could be to reward his staff with some classy ceramic pots to pee in. “After all,” he said. “There’s no point in having money if you can’t look after your friends.” It’s all the more remarkable because Amazon had a similar win last year, and the year before. The downto-earth directors said it won’t change them. They’ll carry on working, as they love sending out trousers that turn out to be 18 inches too short. “And who knows,” said their spokesman. “Maybe we’ll win again next year.”

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