Daily Mirror

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of an actor. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.

- Spleen (S) Pancreas (N) Gallbladde­r (W) Bayern Munich (F) Milan (G) Real Madrid (O) Pretty Woman (P) Erin Brockovich (Y) Steel Magnolias (A) Forth Road (U) Humber (H) Severn (M) 1880 (A) 1885 (E) 1890 (C) The Kick Inside (E) Never for Ever (N) Lionheart (

BOX1: Which organ of the human body produces the hormone insulin? BOX2: Which football team have been the most prolific winners of the UEFA Champions League, with 7 victories? BOX3: For which film did Julia Roberts (pictured) win an Academy Award for Best Actress? BOX4: Which is the UK’s longest single-span suspension bridge? BOX5: What year marked the beginning of the first Boer War? BOX6: Which Kate Bush album features the songs Army Dreamers and Babooshka? BOX7: What were the names of William Shakespear­e and Anne Hathaway’s twin children? BOX8: Which of these American states is the squarest in shape? BOX9: What is the mathematic­al name for a quadrilate­ral with four equal sides, also called a diamond? BOX10: 1928 animated film Steamboat Willie is considered the debut appearance of which cartoon character?

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 ??  ??

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