Daily Mirror



DODGY DEALS Editor Allen ITV, 9pm

He’s immersed himself in the world of gangsters, drug lords and prisoners, but now Ross Kemp is checking out the other side of the law, as he spends time with tactical firearms units in West Midlands Police.

He wants to find out how and why gun crime has exploded in Britain – rising 20% in the last year – and discover what the real experience is BBC1, 9pm

THE BBC, with yet another cracking new drama series, is really spoiling us.

for men and women on the front line of modern policing. Birmingham has more gun-related crime than anywhere in the UK, but it’s not just confined to inner-city gangs, as Ross and the team uncover weapons at a house in treelined suburbia.

He also talks to a gang member, and a gun smuggler who says police are “powerless” to stop the influx of weapons into the country. And he meets the mother of a 14-year-old lad who was shot and killed.

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