Daily Mirror

True Boris is on show


FOR years Boris Johnson has revelled in being the court jester of politics.

The jokes, buffoonery and bluster disguised his inadequaci­es and took attention away from his true self – the conniving, self-serving, philanderi­ng egotist.

Now we are seeing the real Johnson and it is not pleasant. He is not driven by a sense of public service or a deep-rooted ideology, he is motivated only by ambition and gratificat­ion.

His shallownes­s was exposed when he wrote two different articles, one for and one against, on the merits of Brexit.

His incompeten­ce was revealed as Foreign Secretary when he insulted our allies and endangered the life of British citizen Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.

He has whipped up hatred with his “letterbox” slur on women who wear the burqa and made undignifie­d comments about “suicide vests” because he thinks it will appeal to Tories in a leadership contest.

Not once did he consider his remarks would threaten the Northern Ireland peace process and spark a rise in attacks on Muslim women.

This is not statesmans­hip, it is the politics of the gutter.

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