Daily Mirror


Every day we’ll be asking your opinion on one of Britain’s big talking points. You can have your say and vote at mirror.co.uk


Manchester University students’ union has voted to ban clapping because it could trigger anxiety and said “jazz hands” should be used to show appreciati­on.

Do you agree?

YES 4% NO 96%

No. I have ADHD and suffer from low tolerance to loud noises, but I think this is a step too far. GIGLAMESH

Yes. Ignorance is rife. Our young son has a sensory processing disorder and cannot handle loud noises such as clapping. ANTHONY VAUGHN

Yes. My son is autistic and hypersensi­tive, meaning things are 10 times louder to him than us and cause him pain. VICKY CROWTON

No. In a few years’ time they’ll wonder how they could have done such a silly thing. ADAM

No. Everything will be banned soon in case it causes anxiety in someone. Total madness! ALI4

No. The students absolutely must protest this by unanimousl­y disregardi­ng this ludicrous rule. NEBULA0024

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