Daily Mirror

Fracking’s too risky


■ The fracking in Lancashire is close to madness. Our need for cheaper energy should not be put before gambling with the geological stability of the North West.

Our country is riddled with a massive network of fault lines due to our long history of coal mining and to allow fracking in such a small island with our history and geology is, in my view, negligent.

The public have a right to know the risks of this technology and what contingenc­y and compensati­on plans, if any, the Government has.

We know the Tories put business before people but no one should play Russian Roulette with the geology of Lancashire.

Geoff Richmond Underwood, Notts

It’s being recommende­d that judges get a £60,000 pay rise to increase their morale. I recommend we reduce their wages and pensions, then give the funds saved to those working and disabled people losing money through Universal Credit.

Judges live a privileged life and when they retire they have a pension worth more than most people could even dream of. So much for Theresa May’s promise to help everyone.

The morale of all working class people is at such an all-time low under the Tory Party that they have had to appoint a Suicide Prevention Minister to try to reduce the increase in people taking their own lives. Eddie Fidler, Oxford

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