Daily Mirror

On last night’s telly


10 Things Your Kids Should Know ★★★

When I settled down to watch this countdown, I was really hoping No1 would be something like this:

Sorry kids, looks like the BBC fooled you with that first episode of Doctor Who. You are going to have to sit through gun crime lectures and history lessons between now and Christmas, when all you really wanted as a reward for finishing your homework was upbeat space-themed adventures.

Sadly, Martin Lewis must have filmed this top 10 before Jodie Whittaker made her full debut, so she didn’t even get a mention.

Instead everyone’s favourite money-saving expert (OK, the only one anyone can name) compiled a list of financial and/or careers advice to set kids on their way.

Quite why, I’m still not entirely sure. The cynical answer would be he’s grown tired of yelling “Cap it! Cap it!” at daytime TV audiences and wants to reposition himself as some kind of youth champion.

Nothing wrong with that. Martin knows his stuff and is admirably passionate about it. Who knows, with a reported fortune of £120million he could even take over from Alan Sugar on The Apprentice one day.

Some commandmen­ts did strike me as patronisin­g, though, not least his top tip for self-employed people: don’t spend your tax money. There’s a man that has clearly spent too long hanging out with the phone quiz question setters at This Morning.

He thinks we’re as thick as they think we are.

 ??  ?? Martin Lewis could one day take over from Alan Sugar on the Apprentice
Martin Lewis could one day take over from Alan Sugar on the Apprentice
 ??  ??

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