Daily Mirror

Sepsis test hailed a lifesaver

- Martin.fricker@mirror.co.uk

A WOMAN stabbed her boyfriend to death after he climbed naked into a hot tub with two barmaids.

Demi Harris, 21, flew into rage after Christophe­r Pearson’s stunt at a party in the garden of his semi.

The nursery worker warned him “don’t you dare” as he began to strip off in front of the barmaids.

Mr Pearson, 39, then swung his boxer shorts around his head before jumping in, a court heard.

Furious Harris poured a bottle of solvent into the jacuzzi before she was pulled into the water fully clothed.

Nottingham crown court heard he told her: “Stop being boring, you are embarrassi­ng.”

Prosecutor Michael Auty QC said she “plainly felt embarrasse­d and even humiliated by what was happening”.

Harris went inside her boyfriend’s home in Hucknall, Notts, and cut the power to the jacuzzi and music system.

The couple had a row in an upstairs DEMI HARRIS WHAT SHE TOLD PARTY GUESTS DETECTION of deadly sepsis could be revolution­ised by a test 1,000 times more sensitive than convention­al screening.

The BacCapSeq platform tests for all known bacterial infections and also spots signs of antibiotic resistance.

Dr Orchid Allicock of Columbia room, jurors were told. Harris armed herself with a knife and plunged it into her naked boyfriend’s stomach.

A partygoer walked into the house and found Harris franticall­y asking: “What have I done? What have I done?”

Jurors were told Harris admitted to other guests: “I’ve gone too far this time: I’ve stabbed him, but I had to, I had to.”

Guests at the scene in February said Mr Pearson had a “big wound with his intestines hanging out”.

Harris was stopped by police as she drove to her mother’s home. Paramedics rushed Mr Pearson to hospital but he later died.

Harris was cleared of murdering her boyfriend but convicted of manslaught­er following a 16-day trial.

She told police that when Pearson followed her back into the house, he threatened to kill her.

She said in court: “I just wanted to poke him and get him off me.”

Harris, from Hucknall, sentenced in December. will be University, New York, reporting in mBio journal, called the testing “a powerful tool” to screen for the condition that kills 44,000 people a year in the UK.

Sepsis happens when rapidly spreading infection triggers a massive immune response, leading to septic shock.

I’ve gone too far, I’ve stabbed him, but I had to

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