Daily Mirror

Most common New Year’s resolution­s


According to a YouGov poll, the most common resolution­s made in 2018 included:

■ Eating healthier – 37%

■ Getting more exercise – 37%

■ Saving more money – 37%

■ Focusing on self-care – 24%

■ Read more – 18%

■ Make new friends – 15%

■ Learn a new skill – 15%

■ Get a new job – 14%

■ Taking up a new hobby – 13% According to another survey, at least one third of people who make resolution­s don’t even keep them past the end of January.

That’s usually because people don’t plan realistic goals, thereby set themselves up for failure.

Setting a goal that’s unrealisti­c won’t do you any good. The best thing you can do when pursuing your New Year’s resolution­s is to keep your abilities in mind.

Setting goals in small increments is a great way to keep you on track, and it allows you to achieve what needs to be done more easily.

The biggest part about New Year’s resolution­s is to remember if you’re faced with the possibilit­y of failure, that’s OK!

While heading into the new year with a fresh goal is a great thing, it doesn’t mean you can’t tweak your goals to match your current lifestyle as time goes on.

Things change, and there’s no shame in changing your goals, no matter what month it is.

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